How To Help Your Teen with Autism Pick a Career
Finding the right career path can be a bit scary for a teen with autism (or any teen for that matter!) They might ask you where to begin, and you might not be sure how to point them in the right direction. After all, sometimes even adults second-guess their decisions… Shocking, right!
The important thing is to remember that your teen is unique. What makes them that way? What job would embrace what makes them different? Here are some extra tips to help your teen find the right career for them.
3 Skills Teens with Autism Need for The Future
Once your child with autism hits puberty, we know that it’s time to start laying the foundation for who they will be for the rest of their lives. That all starts with sharpening basic skills necessary for being a part of society.
There are many skills you can help them hone in on before they graduate. Organization, planning, independence, communication, and other social skills will help your child gain confidence about the future. Here are some tips you can use to help them on their journey.
9 Ways to Prepare Your Teen with Autism For the Future
Thinking about how you can help your teen prepare for life beyond high school might seem intimidating. After all, we are the grown-ups… aren’t we supposed to have all the answers?