A letter from the CEO

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have an exciting announcement. In the next few weeks, you will notice that our branding will be changing. We are moving away from ” Pieceful Solutions”  and instead are renaming our schools PS Academy and PS Elementary.

Pieceful Solutions will still be our overarching company, however – our students have inspired us to change the official school names.

PS Logos Side by Side.jpg

We pride ourselves on listening to our students. Whether it’s getting feedback from them about the classroom experience, or having an open dialogue about our programs, we want to know what is working for them, and what we can improve upon.

This year students came to us and asked us to consider changing the school’s name and logo.  They felt that when they were asked which high school they attended, and they responded “Pieceful Solutions”, there was an immediate presumption that their capabilities were lesser as a student with autism than their public, charter or even private school peers. We took that suggestion to heart and even ended up having those students involved in the process.

Interestingly enough, as we move to “PS Academy” and “PS Elementary” we see that other autism organizations are now moving away from the puzzle piece logo as well. It’s time to showcase our students not as puzzles that need to be solved, but as capable, unique and complete just the way they are.

We’re excited to roll-out our new name and logo which will give our students the confidence they need to take on the world. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Kindest regards,

Robin Rollando

Kami Cothrun

Kami Cothrun is the founder and CEO of PS Academy Arizona.


Students Celebrate Newly Named School - PS Academy and PS Elementary!


Valentine's Day Fun 2018