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Social Media on the Spectrum: 6 Autism Instagram Accounts to Follow

Social Media on the Spectrum: 6 Autism Instagram Accounts to Follow

As humans in the digital age, social media sites like Instagram have the power to forge new connections, foster a sense of community, and help each and every one of our unique abilities blossom. For families and loved ones of children with autism, it can be especially comforting to find support amongst other people who can understand the experience of life on the spectrum, even if they don’t share the same zip code. If you’re looking for a daily dose of people who “get it”, here are 5 autism Instagram accounts to add to your social media feed.

5 Tips for Improving Conversation Skills in Children with Autism

5 Tips for Improving Conversation Skills in Children with Autism

As a parent or caregiver of a child with autism, you want your child to engage in meaningful conversations with others, but you may have noticed that their conversational skills aren’t as developed or confident as those of their peers. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, with patience, perseverance, and adequate support, you can help your child with autism build a solid foundation for effective communication. Here are 5 strategies that can encourage them to improve these fundamental conversational skills. Read on to learn more.

Internet Use and Autism: How to Create an Online Safety Plan

Internet Use and Autism: How to Create an Online Safety Plan

The internet can be an expansive, but daunting place, especially with the ease of access to social media, gaming, and networking sites. This can be a positive thing for children on the autism spectrum as it invites new opportunities for them to learn, socialize, and form connections in the world. However, the digital world also comes with its own set of rules and complicated social expectations, which can leave children with autism more vulnerable to things like cyberbullying, scams, or phishing. Worried about your child’s safety online? Check out these safety tips for helping your child protect themselves on the internet.

What Are Social Stories? 5 Ideas to Boost Your Child’s Interpersonal Skills

What Are Social Stories? 5 Ideas to Boost Your Child’s Interpersonal Skills

Social stories are a resource that can help your child understand social norms and expectations, as well as provide them with tools for things like self-care and emotional regulation. This blog post will teach you why and how to use social stories to inspire your child’s social skills (and gives you a few ideas for getting started.) Let’s jump in!

Choosing Autism Education: Lessons From My Son’s Journey

Choosing Autism Education: Lessons From My Son’s Journey

As the Director of Admissions at PS Academy Arizona and the mom of a son with autism, what I have experienced in my years of parent/student interviews has led me to an important question, “when is the right time to consider choosing a private school that specializes in autism?” Let’s break down 3 myths about private school programs to help you decide if it's the right choice for your K-6 child with autism. Read on to hear about my son's life-changing experience.

7 Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Children With Autism

7 Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Children With Autism

Most kids look forward to making a splash at the swimming pool, especially when the weather heats up. For children with autism, swimming can be a wonderful summer activity that encourages physical exercise, socialization, and concentration. Parents and caregivers of children on the autism spectrum understand the importance of taking extra measures to be vigilant about water safety. Here are 7 ways you can help make a day at the pool safe, fun, and enjoyable for everyone. Let’s dive in!

8 Fun Hobbies and Activities for Kids With Autism

8 Fun Hobbies and Activities for Kids With Autism

Encouraging your child to explore new avenues of joy makes it possible for them to open up to previously unexplored activities and rewards them for trying new things. This list includes hobbies your child can do solo, but doing these things together can also help them build valuable social and life skills that will help them fulfill their potential in other areas. Bid adieu to the boredom blues with this awesome list of autism-friendly hobbies for kids. Keep reading to discover the activities!

How to Help Your Child With Autism Navigate Changes in Routine

How to Help Your Child With Autism Navigate Changes in Routine

Life is full of curveballs. Having a set routine can promote a sense of security, stability, and trust in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming. This is especially true for those with autism, who often rely on their typical routines to guide them through the day. So how can you best support your child with autism when their routine changes? Keep reading to find out.

The Ultimate Bucket List of Sensory Summer Activities

The Ultimate Bucket List of Sensory Summer Activities

Summer break is something your child should look forward to. That's why it's important to find activities that help them to engage with their surroundings in a way that’s comfortable and inviting for them. We made this handy Summer Bucket List, so your family can stay focused on creating magical memories that will last a lifetime. Read on to discover the activities!