PS Academy Arizona

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5 Tools for Calming Down: Tips for Teens With Autism

Everyone has their good days and their bad days and we could all use some help practicing patience sometimes. That’s not different for teens with autism or other neurodivergencies. A lot is going on in life as a teenager at home, in their friend groups, in class, with extracurricular activities. These normal life events can bring with them their own stress and anxieties. Teens with autism may even experience heightened feelings of stress, anxiety, or sensory overload, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed or even having a meltdown. 

Providing effective strategies to help find ways for your teen to calm down during these moments is essential to helping them manage these stresses with or without you present. We’re going to give you 5 calming techniques and strategies to help your teen with autism (and even you!) stay calm or calm down during times of increased anxiety. These tips are here to help your teen, and you, find calmness and comfort when needed.

Calm Collab

Before diving into specific calming strategies, it’s essential to recognize the importance of preparation and collaboration. Making sure you, your teen, and their support system recognize and understand their triggers, you can create a plan supporting their emotional well-being.

  • Notice the Signs: Pay attention to your teen's behavior and learn to recognize the early signs of stress or anxiety. These might include repetitive movements, becoming unusually quiet, or showing frustration. Early recognition can help intervene before the stress escalates into a bigger issue.

  • Work with Your Teen Outside of Meltdowns: Talking to your teen outside of stressful situations about their feelings and experiences helps them become more self-aware. Talk to them about what makes them feel anxious or upset and find out what actions make them feel most supported. 

  • Collaborate with All Caregivers: Make sure that everyone involved in your teen's life – from family members, teachers, therapists, and other caregivers – is aware of the strategies you have in place. Consistency is key, so everyone being on the same page makes it easier for your teen to feel supported and safe.

5 Ways to Help Your Teen Calm Down

Once you’ve laid the groundwork, it's time to explore techniques to help your teen calm down when they’re feeling overwhelmed. These strategies are to help manage emotions and reduce anxiety.

1. Practice Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are one of the most straightforward and effective ways to calm down. Deep breathing helps slow the heart rate, relax muscles, and bring a sense of calm. Teach your teen to take deep breaths in through the nose, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through the mouth. Repeating this process several times can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of control in stressful situations.

There are many different breathing exercises, like 4-7-8 Breathing or Box Breathing. 

Work together to find which technique your teen likes best. Then, practice these techniques together in a calm environment so your teen is familiar with them and can use them when needed.

2. Provide an Escape

Sometimes, the best way to manage overwhelming emotions is to have a safe escape. This could be a physical space (think a bedroom or a quiet area) or a sensory object (like a fidget spinner, slime, or a weighted blanket) that provides comfort.

Encourage your teen to identify their preferred "escape.” Having a go-to place or object can be incredibly soothing, especially during moments of sensory overload. Make sure this space or object is easily accessible, and remind your teen that it’s okay to take a break when they feel overwhelmed.

3. Exercise, A No Brainer

Physical activity is a fantastic way to reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters. Encourage your teen to engage in physical activities they enjoy, anything from walking to swimming to playing a sport.

Exercise doesn’t have to be intense to be effective. Even a quick walk outside or doing a dance to their favorite song can make a big difference. Incorporating regular physical activity into their routine makes it easier for them to manage stress and be in control of their emotions.

4. Practice Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools for calming the mind and body. They focus on mindful movement, deep breathing, and relaxation, which reduces anxiety and promotes a sense of inner peace. Introducing yoga or meditation into your teen’s daily routine can help them better calm their mind and body effectively. 

Start with something simple, like beginner yoga videos or guided meditation podcasts. Online even offers plenty of free resources designed specifically for teens. Practicing regularly can help your teen build a strong foundation for managing stress and anxiety. Check out this video to get started.

5. Have These All in Place Ahead of Time

Preparation is the key to success. Get your teen familiar with these strategies before a stressful situation arises. Practicing in a calm environment allows your teen to build confidence in their ability.

You can even create a “calm down toolkit,” with items and instructions for each calming strategy. Include visual cues, written steps, or a small bag with sensory objects. Having this toolkit ready helps your teen know exactly what to do when they start feeling overwhelmed.

Acknowledge the Tough Days

It’s important to remember that even with the best preparation and strategies, there will be days when things don’t go as planned. Meltdowns can still happen, and that’s okay. Acknowledge these moments with your teen and reassure them that it’s alright to have tough days. Remind them that you’re on their team and that together, you can learn from these experiences and manage better in the future.


Helping teens with autism manage stress and anxiety is a team effort that involves preparation, communication, and consistency. Using these calming strategies provides your teen with the tools they need to feel more in control and confident in their ability to handle overwhelming situations.

At PS Academy Arizona, we are dedicated to supporting our students and their loved ones in every aspect of their lives, including emotional well-being. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your teen thrive, please contact us today. We’re here to help!