5 Ways Parents Can Watch Out for Cyberbullying

5 Ways Parents Can Watch Out for Cyberbullying

In today’s climate, the computer is more than just a recreational item. With teens locked inside, more and more have turned to their computers for assignments, hearing from their teachers, and more.

There are plenty of risks that come with being on the computer for so long; poor posture, bleary eyes, boredom, distractions, and cyberbullying.

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[Infographic] - Why Hire People with Autism
In the News Kami Cothrun In the News Kami Cothrun

[Infographic] - Why Hire People with Autism

Sometimes autism can mean people are skilled in things that others aren’t. According to research, many people with autism have skills and interests that would be invaluable to employers. For example, many of the world’s most talented software engineers have been diagnosed with autism.

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